Friday, March 20, 2015


I was thinking about playing. I know children play and animals play.  Many "serious" Christians I know don't ever think about playing.  Life is always a mission.  I think that is very sad.  Who put the time limit on playing?  I know that when we are older we put away the childish things as the Bible says, but not the childlike things.  There are too many people who put limits on themselves. God didn't put those limits on us.  A matter of fact, He says we need to stay childlike.  I'm thinking we will enjoy life a lot more that way.  There are too many people that don't enjoy God's creation as He intended.

We can see in nature that God intended play to continue.  Even adult animals play with their children. Even adult animals run through the fields and valleys and snow.  Even adult animals rest and relax and enjoy watching God's nature and seeing others enjoy themselves.  I see too many adult humans that don't get it.  I believe we need to relax and rest and play.  It's okay!  Really!

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