Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I've been dealing with some issues over the last few weeks and observing God's Word "active" and "inactive" in people. Very interesting.

Proverbs tells us many times to get KNOWLEDGE and with all your getting, get UNDERSTANDING. In the book of James, we are admonished to ask for WISDOM. In John's gospel, the Words of Jesus tell us that "apart from Me, you can do nothing". So, since apart from Him we can do nothing..........nothing that will impact His Kingdom, we NEED to ask for WISDOM in even our everyday tasks and situations.

To live in His Kingdom and do the work of The Kingdom, we have to assume we need all three things in our lives: KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, WISDOM. These are very distinct, different things, yet all work together to bring about the best for us and His Kingdom...........for our good and His glory.......just as we are all very distinct, different individuals.......we all need to work together to bring about the best for others and for the Kingdom of God on this earth.

I've observed those who have just KNOWLEDGE. They talk about things, yet have not real UNDERSTANDING of what they are talking about. It's all in HEAD KNOWLEDGE, but they have no HEART KNOWLEDGE. UNDERSTANDING is just that......HEART KNOWLEDGE......the Rhema Word or Revelation.

Then you have people with KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING, yet they have no WISDOM in how to use that knowledge and understanding. Because they do have a heart after God and desire to see things work out well for other people, they get in the way of the Holy Spirit. He can't do His job the way God intended because the well-meaning people try to do His job for Him. Good intentions with poor results. If they had just asked for WISDOM before they tried to solve problems or deal with situations, the Holy Spirit would have guided them into ALL TRUTH.

Then there are those who have all three: KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, WISDOM. From observation, it appears the # 1 and # 2 type people throw a monkey wrench into situations and mess things up. However, # 3 type people understand they can't do anything about the monkey wrenches..................the Holy Spirit will do what needs to be done. Number 3 people know they have to wait on the Lord, be patient, and because they have asked for GOD'S WISDOM, they, "having done all"......."stand"........"stand and see the salvation of the Lord in the land of the living".

Just know that God will work things all out for our good because He loves us so much..............no matter what other people do to us or say about us or whatever fiery darts the devil throws at us.

You can't help what goes through another person's mind. You can't "work out their salvation with fear and trembling". You can't "tear down their vain imaginations that come against the knowledge of God". You can't "take their thoughts captive". You can't "think on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely and of good report" for them. They have to take on those responsibilities. When they don't take on the responsibility for their own lives, they hurt many people around them, yet blame it on other people. In their mind, other people failed them. They don't see where they failed to obey God's Word. If they had been practicing obedience in His Word, so much of what they walk through wouldn't have even taken place. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal that to them.

If you're walking through a similar situation with someone or have observed that with someone in your life, just remember that PRAYER is the most important thing. They will not have "ears to hear" and you can't do anything about that. It is the Holy Spirit who can do something about it.

Be at peace and remember to ask for WISDOM everyday and in every situation.