Sunday, March 29, 2015

E-book Version of On To The Prize available on

If you did the free download for my book, On To The Prize, you may want to re-download the updated, corrected version.

Many of my previous posts have been revamped and put in my new book: On To The Prize. The book is out as of March 18,2015 as an e-book through and will be available for purchase as a paperback through in April. This book is a valuable tool for spiritual growth. We all go through such hard times, but God's Word stands true through it all. I share His Word in a very personal way to help you apply His principles to your own lives through everyday things and situations. My hope is that you will be blessed, encouraged, strengthened, and comforted by these words I share.

"On To The Prize" Foreword


If you are reading this book, you are probably a Christian. And you’re probably running hard on the track, reaching out your hands for that bottle of water in the middle of the race to the finish line. This book is one of those bottles. It’s a refreshing dose of encouragement for tired and thirsty runners. And it’s written in an easy, friendly, conversational style—as if you’re sharing a cappuccino and a Krispy Kreme doughnut with your best friend.

Renee Hibma is an encourager, an exhorter—a coach. And she is able to “…comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God” (I Corinthians 1:4). She gets this ability by the Spirit—it’s the result of a life laid down in death to self. That kind of crucified life results in a subsequent resurrection—and not just in the hereafter. It renders a new view of life’s present circumstances, a way of seeing things so that we grow by it in knowledge and character and trust in God. It’s a playing out of Romans 5: “…tribulation worketh patience; And patience, [results in] experience; and experience, [results in] hope…”

And that resultant hope is a new approach to all of life. It is the love of God—a new love FOR God—because we know He’s faithful to bring things around for our good. This love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us when we receive it! We have to LET patience have her perfect work, that we may be perfect and entire. (James 1:4) This is what Renee has done, and she submits the same opportunity to her readers.

I’ve known Renee since we were 13. We went to the same church. We were both gifted musicians, able to pick out vocal harmonies on virtually any song; playing piano by ear…We were really unusual kids, I guess! Our unpopular faith caused us to endure some hardness at school, having been baptized by fire during the “Jesus Movement” revival days, and having forsaken all for the sake of the call; taking our Bibles to school, organizing and attending early morning Bible studies… We found refuge in friends of like mind, and in music.

But the years following our high school graduation would prove us. Music and friendships were not enough, because God was exacting greater things of us. He taught us that nothing satisfies if you’re still viewing the world by the world. Even music—Christian music—can feed the flesh; and Christian friendships can usurp the Lordship of Jesus in decision-making, devotion.

In the confusing world mix of secularism, religion, truth, tradition, temptation and ego, we would find ourselves weighed, but wanting. Over several decades, she and I both learned that the anchor of our souls was not a church, or a gifting, music, or even Christian friends. It was rather the person of Jesus! It took afflictions, persecutions, temptations and adversities to prove our mettle—to try our faith; to pursue our own designs or to pursue the Will of God; to learn to forsake ambition and let God lead. We lived a thousand miles apart, yet both of us were in the same crucible of life, designed to reveal our respective lack, and spur us on a quest for deeper truth. We have both overcome the allure of this world with our faith intact. The empowerment that has emerged from those victories is a way of seeing ordinary things from a spiritual perspective. Renee sees life in this way, and shares these nuggets of wisdom beautifully in this refreshing, unpretentious and practical book.

On To The Prize will help take you to the finish! It’s a compilation of life-lessons rooted in simple observations—things you’ve seen yourself, like bird wings and broken vases, pressure washers and roadsigns. Out of each observation comes unexpected insight to help the reader learn to think differently—it’s not the stuff of this world; it’s a spiritual perspective.

This almost reads like a devotional book, but the chapters run longer and deeper. Safely interwoven with relevant Scriptural references, this book has a solid foundation, and Renee’s personal experiences and insights are well worth sharing. In fact, this book would make a terrific tool for group Bible study and discussion or personal reading.

As you read this book, receive it as a modern epistle from one of the most personable women in ministry today. I know that her heart is set toward empowering the runners in the race, cheering them on, letting them know they can make it to the finish—and, of course, handing them that bottle of Living Water. Take it!

--Susan Parsons Sumner

I Know a Loving Father

I know a loving father.  His son is now 31.  He has been blind since birth, and is severely developmentally delayed at about age 2.  It was his son's birthday, so the father brought pizza, cake, ice cream and balloons to the residence where they care for his son.  The staff told him that it was his birthday, so they were going to have a party to celebrate him. Here's the rub.  The father could not make his presence known.  If he did, the son would get excited and anticipate going home with him for the day and possibly even the night.  It wasn't the proper time, so he didn't want to disappoint his son.  He wanted to protect his son from his own desires and wants, so he wouldn't be hurt.  So, all the father could do was watch the party from a distance and take pictures.  

My heart broke when I heard this true story.  The reason I was overwhelmed is because I could immediately see such a beautiful picture of our Heavenly Father:  His love, His patience, His compassion, His desire for His children, His faithfulness, His mercy, His grace, and, yes, God's protection.  All of that wrapped up in this picture of a man's love for his son. 

The Holy Spirit stirred my heart with this story in a very personal way, because He has been trying my whole life to show me how much He loves me. Something I can't comprehend many times. Since I've heard this story, the Holy Spirit continues to show me God's love for me in a deeper and richer way.  I am forever grateful.

His father was there, in the very room.  His father was fully present, very close to his son, but did not speak or get close enough for his son to recognize his presence or sense his presence in any way.  The father was the one who planned the party, paid for the party, and brought the party to his son.  He was the father who watched his son enjoying his celebrations with loving eyes and a loving heart in silence.

We have to understand that God wants to bless us with good gifts (Matthew 7:11; Luke 11:13).  God wants us to enjoy His gifts.  God wants us to enjoy what He brings into our lives. There are no accidental meetings or accidental happenings.  God is in control.  He knows how to maneuver everything for our good and His glory.  He will work ALL things out (Romans 8:28).  He is present in the moment, and we need to be present in the moment, accepting and appreciating what has been brought before us. Sometimes it's a lesson we need to learn.  Sometimes it's just for our pleasure.  He enjoys bringing us pleasure just because He loves us.

I think about the son's developmental delay.  He cannot understand a lot of things.  His loving father met him where he was in his understanding of life: cake, ice cream, balloons, pizza.  God knows that about us too.  We have our own spiritual developmental delays. God, our Father, knows right where we are in our development.  He knows who to bring into our lives and what circumstances to bring us into and through. The more we develop by reading His Word, communing with Him in prayer, and fellowship with His people, the closer we draw to our Father and the more we will comprehend His presence even in the smallest things.  

I think of the son's developmental delay causing his senses to not be fully developed. Some are probably stronger than others.  But, because of the distractions of the smells of pizza, cake, ice cream, he couldn't smell his father.  In another circumstance, same room, same time of day, same quiet father, without all the party food and activity, he may have sensed and smelled his father's presence. 

The more our senses are developed, as the Bible says, by reason of use, we will have more discernment.  Our senses will be more developed, and we will sense our Father's presence in the midst of distractions, chaos or quiet.  We will sense His presence, but not necessarily understand all we want to understand.

There are times that the Father chooses to be silent.  He chooses to keep information from us, because He knows more than we do.  He is protecting us from ourselves many times. If we get too much information, sometimes we tend to run with that information, leaving the Holy Spirit's guidance out of the scenario and create circumstances that end up being beyond our control. God gives us information as needed. I believe that is called walking by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).  The Word says we know "in part" (1 Corinthians 13:9).  That's a good thing many times.  We don't need to be on information overload.  Only the Father knows what will overload us.  We don't. We have to leave it in God's hands.

I will forever have the picture of this story in my heart and mind.  It has been such a strong spiritual lesson for me.  I hope in some way, this blesses others in their struggles to understand.

Friday, March 27, 2015


Someone called me a "balm" the other day.  I decided I needed to look the definition up in the dictionary.  It's not that I don't know what a balm is, but in reference to myself, I needed more clarity of the depth of the compliment. I truly believe the Lord gave me that word on purpose to wink at me.

Balm: a fragrant ointment or preparation used to heal or soothe the skin, an oily substance that has a pleasant smell and that is used for healing, smoothing, or protecting the skin, something that gives comfort or support (Webster Dictionary & Wikipedia).

I guess I needed to know that word that day, because when you don't feel very useful at times, you wonder what purpose am I serving right now. We've all been there.  Then God gives us a WORD.  Just one WORD, and our heart gets encouraged.  My WORD was BALM.

My heart was overwhelmed with such a WORD.  My heart was overwhelmed with such a compliment.  My presence gave them a feeling of being protected, comforted, and supported.  My presence gave them a sense of peace, a soothing and healing atmosphere. My heart rejoices that God would use me in such a way to touch lives.  I am humbled to be called a "balm".  I am blessed to be honored with such a title: Balm.

May we all be a balm to those around us.  May we all let the love of God flow through us in our activities, actions, and words.  May we all let God's peace surround us so that our very presence affects all those with whom we come in contact. To God be all the glory.

Let us be a "balm" to this hurting world, to the weak and weary, to the discouraged, to all those God brings across our path.  Now that I'm thinking about it, a Christian's nickname should be "Balm".  Let's live up to our nickname.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

New Appreciation

Yesterday I met with some friends for lunch. Even though we all normally pray over our food even publicly, but silently, I asked if I could pray out loud.  The prayer touched my heart, and I'm the one who prayed it.  "Thank You, Lord, for Your grace and mercy and faithfulness to us...words we can appreciate so much more now than we could a year ago."  You see, besides all the normal trials and tribulations in life and my friends' lives, my friend had been in a struggle for his life this last several months.  The battle isn't over.  He still needs God's miracles.  But, having walked through much of this with him and his wife, my heart rejoices even more in God's grace, God's mercy, and God's faithfulness.  Words I don't take lightly anymore.  Words that have become richer to me day by day and year by year.  More than words.  More than actions of God.  God is not just merciful.  God is not just full of grace.  God is not just faithful.   HE IS MERCY.  HE IS GRACE.  HE IS FAITHFULNESS.  GOD IS LOVE.  Thank You, God, for seeing us and hearing us, and most of all, for loving us.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Atheistic Living

Isn't living in fear and doubt atheistic living?  Just ponder that.  Not condemnation, but calling us to repentance.

Friday, March 20, 2015


I was thinking about playing. I know children play and animals play.  Many "serious" Christians I know don't ever think about playing.  Life is always a mission.  I think that is very sad.  Who put the time limit on playing?  I know that when we are older we put away the childish things as the Bible says, but not the childlike things.  There are too many people who put limits on themselves. God didn't put those limits on us.  A matter of fact, He says we need to stay childlike.  I'm thinking we will enjoy life a lot more that way.  There are too many people that don't enjoy God's creation as He intended.

We can see in nature that God intended play to continue.  Even adult animals play with their children. Even adult animals run through the fields and valleys and snow.  Even adult animals rest and relax and enjoy watching God's nature and seeing others enjoy themselves.  I see too many adult humans that don't get it.  I believe we need to relax and rest and play.  It's okay!  Really!

Be His Vessel of Honor

Been thinking about praying...talking to God about things. My hearts cry recently has been, "God, help me hate what you hate and love what you love". I know God hates sin. I know I sin. I know we all have things to overcome, and we need to be overcomers. He says we can and should. Yet I struggle. It's a hard thing to do. There are things that I would have never considered sin years ago. But, as I grow closer to God and development my relationship with Jesus, there are things that are now sins, because I have heard God's Word more and more. Over and over again we repent. Over and over again we sin. Frustration reigns sometimes in some areas of our lives if we are looking honestly at ourselves. It's okay. We need to be frustrated at times, I think, to keep the focus on overcoming. It's a way for us to pay attention to the areas of our lives that need repair. Usually I wouldn't say frustration is good, but, we are humans, we need to remember that God hates sin. He wants to transform us into the image of His Son...from faith to faith, from glory to glory. We are a work in progress until the Trumpet blows.

Sin to me now is neglecting to pray for someone who God has placed before me either physically or in my heart or in my head. There's a reason these people pop into our hearts and heads. There's always a reason you "run into someone". There are no accidental meetings. There are no accidental memories. God has purpose in all things. We are His instruments. Each situation doesn't have the same gravity. Sometimes it's just an act of kindness, followed by a simple prayer, "peace be with you". Sometimes it's a full-on intercession and mighty spiritual warfare. Be available to hear God at all times. God is entrusting to you something very precious and important. Look at every day and every event as an opportunity to bless others and bless God. Be His vessel of honor.

Another sin I'm aware of in my own life is inattentiveness. Again, that person or situation is there for a reason. Be present in the moment. Believe that God has crossed your path with this person or situation for a purpose. He is full of purpose and fills us full of purpose and gives us purpose. If we listen carefully everyday, we will have assignments all along the way. What a privilege to communicate with the Most High God in such an intimate way all day and every day. Be His vessel of honor.

Another sin so many have is not knowing when to shut up. Just because someone is engaged in talking with you or others around you, doesn't mean they have to hear everything you know on the subject. Interrupting and pontificating on whatever the conversation is, does not endear people to you or to the Lord whom you represent. Here again, you have to be listening to the Holy Spirit even as you are engaged in conversation, being present in the moment with that person or persons. Only speak what the Holy Spirit says is important. Be His vessel of honor.

I could go on, and maybe someday will add more to this list, because there are many more I could add right now...but you get my point. There are everyday things and actions and habits we have that God wants to change in us. Be alert to hear and face the giants that are so tiny sometimes. Be His vessel of Honor.