Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I know many of you can relate to what I’m going to say. The last eighteen months have been the worst and best. The best because I grew in understanding and the love of God. The worst because I had to go through a lot of heartache to get there. But….God is faithful.

Many of you have heard that some friends are for a lifetime, some for a season, and some for a reason. The last eighteen months, I learned that I sure didn’t have that one figured out. God knows who we need and when we need them. God is Sovereign and knows what will cause us to grow into the image of His Son. Sometimes it’s painful, sometimes it’s joyful. It all comes together…….for our good and His glory.

I heard a great man talk about the seasons in our lives. He said we need to be thankful for the cold spiritual winters we have to endure. It is during winter that the bugs that damage our crops and parasites that drain the life from living forms are killed. It’s during those times that the flowers or “friends” in our lives are proven: “annuals” die and “perennials” endure. The “annuals” are for the “season” and for a “reason”. The “perennials” are for a lifetime.

Thank God for those times. It’s a purging, strengthening, resting time. It’s okay to be in the winter season. It may be lonely, but it is a necessary season set aside to rest from our labors and rest in Him. A season to increase communication with Him. A season of preparation for the Spring season. A season to get direction from Him, to get instruction from Him, to let Him prune us. It all takes time. Enjoy that winter blast. It has purpose. You have purpose.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fruit and Roots

Just because a tree in the orchard isn’t bearing fruit, doesn’t mean it’s not part of the orchard. It could mean the tree hasn’t been planted long enough for roots to grow deep enough to bring nourishment to the branches to bear fruit. It could be it was just transplanted from another orchard, a greenhouse, or maybe a tree hospital…or whatever they may call it. We have to be patient with these trees. We may not see the fruit for a while. But, they’re still part of the orchard.

When the tree is big and older and not bearing fruit, something is wrong and needs to be investigated by those in charge of the orchard. There could be damage to the roots. There may not be enough sunlight. There may not be enough water. There may need to be some fertilizer for the roots. There could be something blocking the growth underground. There could be things that need to be removed from the ground and from the branches. A good pruning helps new life to come to the branches many times. Again, only the One in charge of the orchard can assign someone to prune the branches.

We are of the same orchard. We need to be patient. We need to pray. We need to help set each other free. As part of the orchard, we need to share our sunshine, water, and fertilize…even when fertilizer isn’t wanted. I believe that’s called correction and instruction in righteousness. But, there are some things another tree can’t do. The One in charge of the orchard has to handle certain things. He has certain assignments He gives to His helpers. He’s the Only One that can dig deep at the roots and remove what is causing the stunted growth. He’s the Only One that can dig below and find what damage may have been done to the root. Be led of the Spirit of God. Love endures all things. Love is patient and kind.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


We’ve all heard that for a tree to be strong and stand against the elements, the roots have to be deep and strong. The roots have to get nourishment from the soil, the water, and the sunshine from the tree above. We’ve heard this so many times in parallel to our walk with the Lord.

This week as they tore up my driveway and are repaving it, I was observing some things related to tree roots and strength.

The reason I’m getting a new driveway is because the roots of this old fir tree literally raised tons of concrete about 6 inches in some areas as it continued to grow its roots. The roots broke all that heavy weight gradually over time and ended up cracking the whole driveway in many smaller sections. Now, the big root didn't reach all the way through the driveway. Because the one large root was grew so strong, the other concrete around it was broken up without much effort at the point of pressure.

1) As we grow stronger in the Word, we will be “rooted and grounded” in this life and, as the Apostle Paul said, “none of these things move me”. The storms will come, but we will stand strong because our roots are strong.
2) Because the roots are strong and continue to grow, they will remove “those weights that so easily beset us”. It will take time, but those pressing and weighty things in our lives, can be broken by our strong roots…the power of His Word and the power of the Holy Spirit operating in our lives.
3) We are told to “break up that fallow ground” in our lives. At the area of the strong root growth, there was much resistance and weight on it. Once the root broke through that, the other areas were easily broken up around it. That weight had to be removed to get the other areas broken up as well. As we grow stronger, the job or breaking other areas up gets easier. We gain momentum.
4) And, just like the new driveway, “all things become new”. Remember, it’s all about process.